Locking / unlocking SAP user

When it comes to SAP user management, locking and unlocking is an important part of the process. It is necessary in order to maintain the security of an SAP system and protect sensitive data. Locking a user prevents them from logging into the system, while unlocking allows them to regain access.

SAP Locking a user in SAP


Locking users serves the purpose of temporarily deactivating users so they can no longer access the system.
There are two techniques to lock users:
  • Automatically
  • Explicitly/Forcefully
Users may be locked automatically in one of two ways:
  • Maximum number of unsuccessful attempts: - regulated by the parameter login/fails_to_user_lock. If a value is 2 then the user will be locked after 2 unsuccessful tries.
  • The "login/failed_user_auto_unlock" setting determines whether a user who has been locked out after several failed logon attempts will be automatically unlocked at 12 a.m.
Explicitly/Forcefully: There are two ways we can lock and unlock users:
  • Single-user lock (SU01)
  • Multiple-user lock (SU10)

How to lock / unlock single user?

Step 1: Enter T-code SU01 in command field and execute.
Step 2: In the User area, type a username. And press “Lock/Unlock” button
Step 3: To lock the user, press the Lock button once more on the next screen.

How to lock / unlock multiple user?

Step 1: Enter T-code SU10 in command field and execute
Step 2: In the User area, type a users´name. Press Lock (red) / Unlock (green)button.
The listed users will all be locked or unlocked.


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