Getting help in SAP

Using SAP can be a complex process and it is not uncommon for users to need help navigating the system or understanding certain processes. Thankfully, there are several ways to get help in SAP.

You'll almost always need HELP when using SAP. You can use the built-in SAP Help feature for any screen element, including text fields, buttons, labels, and more.
  1. You have three options for getting assistance.
  • By pressing the "Help" button.
  • "Help" can be accessed by choosing with the mouse's right click.
  • Making use of the F1 key on your keyboard.
  1. A performance support window appears.
  • It instructs you on how to complete a certain field on the screen (1).
  • The Technical Information button (2) provides information such as program name, table name, and other technical data that are sometimes quite useful.
  • You can access the online SAP Library through the internet by clicking the portal button (3).


152 SAP Docs posts
