Introduction to SAP Material Master

The Material Master holds all the necessary specifications for a product or service, and the data entered can be either descriptive or functional depending on its purpose.

Introduction to SAP SD Material Master

The entire specification of the product or a service being sold is contained in the material master. Depending on the usage, the data entered into the Material Master record may be descriptive or functional. This data can be kept up to date for various organizational levels or for a single organizational level (e.g., plant, storage location, sales organization, etc.) As a result, it is organized into views for the many functions, including the purchasing view, MRP view, accounting view, and sales view.

Material Types

You handle the management of various materials in your company, including raw materials, semifinished items, and finished goods. Materials belonging to the same material type share a common set of characteristics. Therefore, the material type is essential for managing screen sequence, data fields, and content. Additionally, it decides whether the product will be valued at a moving average price or a standard price. There are a number of predefined material types in SAP that satisfy most business needs. Verify that the terms below correspond to the services and goods your company manages:
  • ROH: Raw materials.
  • HALB: Semifinished products.
  • FERT: Finished products.
  • VERP: Package materials.
  • DIEN: Services.
  • HAWA: Trading goods.

Important SAP SD Material Master Transactions

The essential transactions in relation to SAP SD Material Master are as follows:
  • MM01 – Create Material Master
  • MM02 – Change Material Master
  • MM03 – Display Material Master
  • MM06 – Flag for Deletion
  • MM60 – Material Master List

Material Master Records Maintenance

The material master can be created using transaction MM01, as was previously mentioned. The transactions listed below assist you in maintaining your current material master records:
Change Material Master (MM02) You use this transaction code to make modifications to any field in the material master. You must indicate the material number and to choose the view(s) that will be modified. Then you can move to the necessary screen, make the required modifications, and save the record.
Display Material Master (MM03) The user is given display rights as a result of this transaction.
Flag For Deletion (MM06) Using this transaction code, you can mark a material master for deletion if it has to be discontinued.
Change Material Type (MMAM) You can use this transaction code to modify the material type at a later time.
Material Master List (MM60) displays a list of any or all items that have been defined on your system. This transaction will list a subset or all of the materials together with their descriptions, as well as some additional information about the materials' type, group, valuation class, standard cost, and creator.
Change Log in the material master
A material master's modifications are tracked in SAP. Select Environment ➢ Display Changes to view the modifications made from a material master record. Along with a time stamp, user information, and a log of the old and new values are available.


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