In some cases, you might wish to apply a specific set of supplemental conditions—like discounts—each time a specific condition—like a price—has been established. You can utilize condition supplements in these situations.
Let's say you wish to use the discount RB00 each time you apply the PR00 pricing condition. First, on the Master Data tab, while defining the condition type PR00 (in V/06), you must provide the condition supplement pricing procedure PR0000 (Figure 1).

Figure 1 Defining a condition type: group conditions, master data
The additional condition types (RB00) that you want to apply in addition to PR00 are listed in this pricing procedure.
Use VK11 to maintain the condition records for PR00 and the condition supplement (Figure 2). To set up the condition records, use the Condition Supplement button on the overview screen.
The system will additionally check the supplementary pricing procedure and pick up the discounts specified there when PR00 is determined in a pricing procedure. As depicted in Figure 3, the order has included PR00 as well as each of the requirements we had preserved. Additionally, the pricing analysis clarifies that many conditions (such as RB00) are actually condition supplements (Figure 4).

Figure 2 Setting up condition supplement condition records

Figure 3 Sales order using condition supplement

Figure 4 Pricing analysis log for condition supplement