SAP Materials List

SAP Material List is a document that serves as a reference for managing inventory and tracking materials within a company. The list contains information about the material such as its name, quantity, unit of measure, and other relevant information.

You can view a list of all or specific materials that are defined on your system with the SAP MM60 transaction.
Enter tcode MM60 in the command field. The initial screen will be displayed as below:
Figure 1 Initial screen of tcode MM60
This transaction will list a subset or all of the materials together with their descriptions, as well as some additional information about the materials' category, group, valuation class, standard cost, and creator.
A sample list is shown below:
Figure 2 Sample Material List
For obtaining fundamental data about multiple materials at once, you can utilize SAP MM60. As an illustration, you could export the entire list of materials from this transaction to Excel and categorize them according to material type or valuation class.


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