Creating Material Master Data in SAP - Sales Views

The Material Master Data in SAP is comprised of sales views, which provide essential information about the products and materials necessary to run a business. Sales views are used to manage and monitor material master data, such as pricing, availability, delivery dates, etc. This type of data helps organizations stay on top of their inventory management processes and make sure that customers receive the right product at the right time.

Using the transaction code MM01, you can create or extend a material master record. The menu path is:
SAP Menu ➢ Logistics ➢ Sales and Distribution ➢ Master Data ➢ Products ➢ Material ➢ Other Material ➢ Create
Please indicate the type of material you plan to use on the screen shown in Figure 1. To identify the industry (Chemical, Pharmaceutical, Retail, and so on) to which the material belongs, use the Industry Sector field. To expand existing material, simply enter the material number and the system will automatically populate the industry and material type.
Figure 1 Material Creation – initial view
There is a mechanism to allow you to create a product by copying it from an existing record. To identify the source material and organizational level from which the data can be copied over, use the Copy From field.
Figure 2 Material Creation - selecting views
You can select which data screens you want to build by clicking the Select View(s) button. For the sales department, choose the views as shown in Figure 2.
Once you select the views and press Enter, another dialog box will appear.
Figure 3 Material Creation – Organizational Levels Selection Window
You must next specify the organizational levels (plants, sales organizations, etc.) for which the data will be created based on your choice.
The SAP system will display all values for the Plant, Sales Organization, and Distribution Channel where the selected material is already maintained if you either press F4 or the Search button during Change and Display transactions.
The material master contains four sales views: Sales Org. 1, and Sales Org. 2, General/Plant Data, Sales Text view.
Sales: Sales Org 1 View
Figure 4 Material Creation – Sales Org 1
The sales organization and distribution channel are particular to this data. Some of the important fields include the following:
Units Of Measure In this section, you name one or more units of measurement that will be used to store, sell, deliver, or buy the material. For a given material, you can keep track of three different units of measurement:
  • Base Unit Of Measure (1) This stands for the unit of measurement used to maintain the material stocks. This is a measurement's fundamental unit. The base will be applied to all other units.
  • Sales Unit Of Measure(2) The sales unit is the measurement type in which the material is sold. Enter an alternative unit of measurement for sales if necessary here.
  • Alternative Unit Of Measure If you use more than one unit of measurement, you should keep track of the alternatives in the Additional Data section of the material master along with how they convert to the base unit. To reach to the Additional Data view, select the Additional Data button.

Figure 5 Material Creation – Additional Data – Unit of Measure
Units Of Measure Group (3) The unit of measure group, for instance, can be used to specify the permitted units of measurement for a specific material for a vendor or a receiver. This is important if "check vendor" or "check customer" is chosen in the rounding profiles when rounding using the dynamic rounding profile. Only the units of measure that are listed in the unit of measure group are rounded in this situation.
Sales Status (4) Using the Sales Status setting, you may indicate where the material is in the sales life cycle.
Some goods can be brand-new and haven't hit the market yet. Others might have finished their life cycle, gone out of style, or been discontinued. To regulate or halt the sales of such things, you can change the status in the material master.
You can specify the Sales Status setting in the material master to apply to a single distribution chain (using the field DChain - Spec. Status) or to the entire company (using the field X-Distr. Chain Status). The validity date and these fields are combined to determine the status's effective date.
Delivering Plant (5) Here, you can define the default plant that has been selected to deliver this material.
Material Group (6) Multiple goods or services with the same characteristics can be gathered together and assigned to a certain material group.
Tax Data (7) This enables you to determine how the item is taxed in each country.
Quantity Stipulations In sales, you can make any material quantity requirements.

--Minimum Order Quantity (8) The minimum amount a customer must order for this material is indicated here. The maximum order number may be determined by your company's pricing or marketing strategies.

--Minimum Delivery Quantity (9) The minimum quantity that must be delivered to the customer is indicated below. Constraints on transportation and logistics frequently dictate this.

--Delivery Unit (10) This is the unit in which the item is sent. Only deliveries in multiples of five are permitted if the Delivery Unit setting is set to five pieces (5, 10, 15, .....).

Sales: Sales Org 2 View
Figure 6 Material Creation – Sales Org 2
This view mostly includes the following grouping terms:
Material statistics group (1) This indicator is used to indicate if an item should be included in a statistical transaction in the SD module MCSI. In the majority of systems, this indicator is typically set to 1.
Material Pricing Group (2) A product's price is determined using this field. Materials with the same price or other pricing conditions are grouped together using this method.
Account assignment group (3) The material's accounting requirements are represented in this field. Finished items, trading goods, and services aren't all recorded for the same way, so different types of materials frequently have varied accounting needs. This is where FI/CO components are integrated.
General Item Category Group (4) The item category is established by this important field. It regulates how the information behaves and moves throughout the sales documents.
Item category group (5) Although it was copied from the General Item Cat.Grp field, this category group is specific to a particular distribution channel. In contrast to field (4), it is changeable, and using this field, you may control how the same material will be sold through several channels. For instance, you might wish a material to have a different item category than the default in international sales operations.
Product hierarchy (6) For reporting purposes, this hierarchy is employed so that sales management can examine sales data using this hierarchy. There are two levels in it. Every hierarchy's initial level has different second level hierarchies.
Material Group (7) Five grouping terms are offered to classify and organize the content into different groups.
Product Attributes (8) You can record the precise characteristics of the goods and regulate the sales transaction so that the order can only be processed if the characteristics are acknowledged by the client.
Sales: General/Plant Data View
Both generic data and plant-specific fields can be found in this view. This contains sections like the availability check, the loading group, the transportation group, and the profit center.
Figure 7 Material Creation – General/Plant Data View
Availability Check (1) is employed to specify the stock availability check procedure. The customizing team defines these techniques, which can be set up to include quantities on process and production orders, scheduled orders, transfers to the plant where sales are processed, etc. in addition to stock on storage locations. The stock check and commitment to sales orders are controlled by the availability check.
Batch management (2) Whether or not material is managed in batches is indicated.
Approved batch record required identifies if batch clearance is required before a batch can be moved from restricted to unrestricted.
Transportation group (3) a method of assembling items that require similar transportation. For route scheduling in sales orders and deliveries, it is utilized in the SD module. An illustration would be when some items need to be transported carefully because they are fragile, while others do not.
Loading Group (4) The shipping point is determined by this variable.
Profit center (5) For the purpose of the controlling module, you can designate an appropriate profit center for the material. This indicates that any profit generated by this product will be allocated to the profit center specified in this field. Consider choosing a profit center for sales revenues if the finished product is one that generates profit through sales.
Sales Text View
Figure 8 Material Creation – Sales Text View
You can keep a description or notes about the material in several languages by using the Sales Text tab.
Click on Create Text button, select the language, then enter the text to add the text in another language. The text is copied to sales documents using controls in the text determination process.


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