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Reply > Configure SAP database to save file attachments
Oliwia wrote:
<p>To configure the SAP database to save file attachments from standard SAP Fiori apps in an S/4HANA environment, you can follow these steps:</p> <ol> <li> <p>Activate the necessary services: Ensure that the required services for file attachments are activated in your SAP Gateway system. These services include the Document Management Service (DMS) and the Content Server service.</p> </li> <li> <p>Configure the Content Server: Set up the Content Server to store the file attachments. The Content Server is a separate system that can be integrated with SAP to store and manage documents. Configure the Content Server parameters, such as the connection settings and storage locations.</p> </li> <li> <p>Define the document types: In the SAP system, define the document types that will be used for file attachments. Document types determine the characteristics and behavior of the documents, such as the allowed file formats and maximum file sizes.</p> </li> <li> <p>Configure the document storage category: Define a document storage category that specifies the Content Server and storage location for the file attachments. Assign the document types to the storage category.</p> </li> <li> <p>Enable file attachments in Fiori apps: For each Fiori app that supports file attachments, ensure that the necessary configurations are in place. This may involve activating the file attachment feature in the app's configuration settings and specifying the document types and storage category.</p> </li> </ol> <p>After the configurations are done, test the file attachment functionality in the Fiori apps. Upload files and verify that they are being stored in the configured Content Server and can be accessed from the respective Fiori apps.</p>
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