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What are different roles and responsibility of SAP End User?

What are different roles and responsibility of SAP End User, Subject matter Expert & SAP Consultant. Briefly define each role in the SAP world?

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Rohit Sharma·

SAP End User An end user of SAP software with no technical knowledge. Performs regular operations within the SAP software system such as executing transactions, generating reports, and monitoring the system. 

Subject Matter Expert A professional with in-depth knowledge of specific business areas related to SAP software. Provides functional expertise in their respective business areas and collaborates with SAP consultants to understand business processes and objectives. 

SAP Consultant Certified professionals with technical expertise and knowledge of SAP software functionality. Designs solutions, implement SAP software solutions, optimize business processes in SAP, and provides support during SAP implementation, deployment, and final delivery. Collaborates with subject matter experts to ensure the business requirement is met, and meet with SAP end-users to ensure that the system meets their functional requirements.